Wednesday, February 5, 2014

They are just showing up out of nowhere!

Last week was such a successful week! We had many beautiful miracles that were direct answers to our prayers. (Oh and we found 5 new investigators! They are just showing up out of nowhere) Last week we had planned and prepared for one of our investigators to come to church. A member had scheduled to pick her up and she wanted to come. We had contacted our Branch President to ask if he could pray that she would make it to church. He responded very positively and asked for her name specifically to aide the prayer. "M" showed up to church and loved it.

Yesterday we had a small yet important answer to our prayers. We are currently teaching a young man and his friend - he has a companion but she is never out in the room with us while we teach. Sorella Stewart and I prayed very specifically that she would be able to participate within our lesson. When we showed up yesterday, she came out, sat down, and became a new simpatizzante. God anwsers prayers. :)

One of the new people that we found actually came to talk to us. The river here in Pisa was about to  overflow and there was a HUGE group of people around every bridge just to take pictures. I personally would not want to be close by if the river overflowed..... So we were waiting for a bus but it was late due to the crowded bridges. While we were waiting a man named "A" came up to us and just opened up about everything. He explained how he just wanted to be healed and feel peace. For the next 40 minutes we talked to him and set a return appointment for the next day. The Spirit was so strong and he cried with us as we explained the Atonement. We set a baptismal date with him for the 1st of March. We will have to pass him to the Anziani but they are going to do such a wonderful job with him. :)

Within the past week we had the chance to do scambi with Siena and Montevarchi. I got to work with Sorella Boscia, a 35 year old Italian here in Pisa last week. Oh my gosh. I want to be her best friend! She is so sweet and has such a huge desire to work. Then I got to work with Sorella Lopez!!!!!!!!!!

Ah it is was great! I love seeing how much we have both grown and changed on our missions.  I love being a sister training leader. There is SOOO much that I can learn from the other sorelle.

Thank you for your love and support!

Vi voglio bene!

Sorella Jameson

(Editors note. On Wednesday we received a letter from Sorella Jameson. An SD card was included. Here is a beautiful video that was on the card. Enjoy!)

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